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Ψ  Theories Of Development
- Psychoanalytic Theory -

Ψ  Emphasizes that human actions & thoughts originate from powerful impulses & conflicts that often are not part of our conscious awareness.

Ψ  Freud - Five Stages of Development

1. Oral - Focus is on the mouth, teeth, & gums.
 2. Anal
  3. Phallic
   4. Latency - Really not a stage but an interlude.
    5. Genital

Age: birth to 1.5 years
 Age: 1.5 to 3 years
  Age: 3 to 6 years
   Age: 7- 11 years
    Age: from 12 on

anchor point Erikson anchor point

Ψ  In an extension of Freud's theory, Erik Erikson proposed eight successive stages of development from infancy through old age, each stage involving a crisis that must be solved.

1. Trust versus Mistrust (infant 0-1) - Hope is the virtue that develops upon successful resolution of this stage.
 2. Autonomy versus Shame & Doubt (toddler 2-3) - Will, Determination
  3. Initiative versus Guilt (preschooler 3-6) - Purpose, Courage
   4. Industry versus Inferiority (school age 7-12) - Competence
    5. Identity versus Role Confusion (adolescence, 12- 20) - Fidelity, Loyalty
     6. Intimacy versus Isolation (early adulthood, 20 - 40) - Love
      7 . Generativity versus Stagnation (middle adulthood, 40 - 65) - Care
       8. Integrity versus Despair (late adulthood, 65 +) - Wisdom


Growth & Development
Robert C. Gates