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decorative star graphic  The School Years
Psychosocial Development
- Key Questions -

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1. How does the child's understanding of other people change during the school years, and what difference does this make for the child?

2. How does a child's self-understanding change from the preschool years through middle childhood?

3. Why are peer relationships particularly important during the school years?

4. What characteristics distinguish the society of children from the larger adult society?

5. How are the two types of rejected children different?

6. What are some of the consequences of bullying, for the victim and for the bullies?

7. What were the particulars, & the effects, of the anti bulling program that was implemented in Norway ?

8. What are the five essential ways a functional family nurtures school age children?

9. How can school-age children be helped to cope with the stress they encounter as they develop?

10. Why is divorce difficult for children, & how may its impact be reduced?

11. In your experience what were your specific individual & family characteristics? What cultural & community factors helped you cope in middle childhood? What factors tended to have the opposite effect?

Human Growth & Development
Robert C. Gates
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