Knowledge will not be acquired without pains and application. It is troublesome and deep digging for pure waters; but when once you come to the spring, they rise up and meet you. -- Felton.


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Ψ  Self Test for
The Incredible Nervous System

Note: These questions are part of a larger data base of questions on Module 4 & are selected to represent the type of question you should expect on unit exam one. You can, in fact, expect to see many of these very same questions on that exam. Exam questions, however, may deal with topics not covered in the self tests or in lectures but are discussed in your textbook. You are responsible for the content of your text book plus the content of lectures, interactive activities, & material on the web site.

Use these sample questions to test yourself & to practice for the test. Click on your choice to see if you are right.

1. An inexperienced psychology teacher is about to start a lecture on the biological bases of behavior. Which opening line should she use to convince students of the importance of this material?

•  “This Lecture explains how the brain works.”
 •  “Chemicals & electrical activity are found in our brains.”
  •  “The nervous system is made up of two parts - central nervous system
       and peripheral nervous system.”

    •  “Our thoughts and our actions may change if the brain’s physical
          functions change.”

2. This structure can best be described as being made up of 4 chemicals which form a chemical alphabet.

•  DNA
 •  zygote
  •  Fragile X
   •  chromosome

3. According to the theory of evolution

a humans belong to their own family tree.
b different species come from different ancestors.
c humans & chimps share only 1% of their DNA.
d present day humans descended from a creature related to apes.

4. fMRI is to _______ as MRI is to _______.

a structure; function
b function; structure
c organization; function
d x-ray; gamma ray

5. MRI scan is to PET scan as ________ is to ________.

a radio frequencies; function
b function; structure
c structure; function

6. What part of your nervous system do you use to correctly answer this question which requires deep thought?

a central nervous system
b somatic nervous system
c autonomic nervous system
d parasympathetic division

7. Which one of the following is not included in the peripheral nervous system?

a central nervous system
b somatic nervous system
c autonomic nervous system
d sympathetic nervous system

8. The somatic nervous system

a is in a constant state of homeostasis.
b controls the fight or flight response.
c regulates heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, & digestion.
d consists of nerves connected to either sensory receptors or to muscles.

9. You’re looking at a book entitled Your Autonomic Nervous System. One of the chapter titles is really confusing based upon your knowledge of the autonomic nervous system. Which chapter seems to not fit your knowledge?

a The Sympathetic Division: Activating in Times of Stress
b The Autonomic Nervous System: Part of The Peripheral Nervous System
c The Autonomic Nervous System: You CAN Control It All!
d Relaxing with the Parasympathetic Division

10. The three main divisions of the human brain are

a forebrain, midbrain, cerebrain
b topbrain, midbrain, hindbrain
c forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain
d neobrain, lateralbrain, medialbrain

11. If you have ever been driving and “nod” for a brief moment or two and then pull your head back up, you can probably thank your ______ for its role in arousal and preparing the forebrain for sensory input.

a brainstem
b occipital lobe
c hypothalamus
d reticular formation

12. The human cortex is wrinkled because:

a it is very old compared to more primitive brains
b the axons pull down on certain parts of the cortex
c the cell body causes a constriction at the surface
d wrinkling increases the surface area

13. Which of the following descriptions of the lobes of the cortex is incorrect?

a parietal – involved with motor behaviors
b occipital – involved with processing visual information
c frontal – involved with personality and emotion
d temporal – involved with processing auditory experience

14. Of the following functions, which is not a function of the frontal lobe?

a executing plans
b paying attention
c performing voluntary movements
d processing sensory information from parts of the body

15. A major reason for the decline in the use of frontal lobotomies was that:

a antipsychotic drugs controlled behavior better
b the majority of patients were turned into "vegetables"
c the operation caused severe memory loss in patients
d it received negative publicity from movies like
       - One Flew Over the Cuckoo 's Nest

16. The strip of the cortex in the frontal lobe that is involved in the initiation of all voluntary movements is called:

a the somatosensory cortex
b the sensory homunculus
c the motor cortex
d Broca's area

17. During the game show "Jeopardy," the host says the answer, “the temporal lobe.” Which of the following is the best question?

a “Which lobe is critical to vision?”
b “Which lobe is critical to hearing & speech?”
c "What is the lobe that does not have an association cortex?”
d “What is the name of the lobe that sends motor messages to the body?”

18. Visual agnosia is to neglect syndrome as ______ is to ______.

a Broca's area; frontal lobe
b understanding; production
c Wernicke's area; temporal lobe
d recognizing; seeing

19. What part of the brain do we share in common with the alligator?

a cortex
b Broca's area
c limbic system
d Wernicke's area

20. Sympathetic is to arouse as parasympathetic is to ______.

•  calm
 •  fight
  •  flight
   •  homeostasis

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General Psychology
Robert C. Gates
Neurosis is the inability to tolerate ambiguity.  -- Freud

New "Do not be too moral. You may cheat yourself out of much life. Aim above morality. Be not simply good; be good for something." - Henry David Thoreau