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Ψ  Self Test for
Health, Stress & Coping

Note: These questions are part of a larger data base of questions on Module 21 & are selected to represent the type of question you should expect on unit exam six. You can, in fact, expect to see many of these very same questions on that exam. Exam questions, however, may deal with topics not covered in the self tests or in lectures but are discussed in your textbook. You are responsible for the content of your text book plus the content of lectures, interactive activities, & material on the web site.

    Use these sample questions to test yourself & to practice for the test. Click on your choice to see if you are right.

1. When we interpret a situation as threatening and do not feel equipped to handle the situation, we experience:

a stress
b challenge
c psychosis
d motivation

2. Your initial, subjective evaluation of a situation is called:

a hardiness
b metacognition
c primary appraisal
d personal evaluation

3. The three kinds of primary appraisals are:

a irrelevant, positive, & stressful
b harm/loss, threat, & challenge
c alarm, resistance, & exhaustion
d hypochondriac, psychosomatic, & physiological

4. What effect do harm/loss & threat appraisals have that challenge appraisals do not?

a lower physiological arousal
b higher levels of negative emotion
c a triggering of physiological arousal
d an increase in the activity of the parasympathetic division

5. Sympathetic is to ______ as parasympathetic is to ______.

a mind; body
b relaxation; arousal
c arousal; relaxation
d intellectual; emotional

6. A threat appraisal automatically triggers:

a frustration
b the fight-flight response
c posttraumatic stress disorder
d parasympathetic division activity

7. The development of psychosomatic symptoms depends on several factors. Which of the following is not among the factors as presented in the textbook?

a making a challenge appraisal
b experiencing prolonged stress
c having a genetic predisposition
d experiencing continual activation of the fight-flight response

8. The three parts of Selye’s general adaptation syndrome are:

a alarm, resistance, & exhaustion
b perception, response, & recovery
c perception, interpretation, & flight
d adaptation, modification, & adoption

9. The idea that our thoughts, beliefs & emotions can cause physiological changes is called:

a functionalism
b associationism
c mind-body connection
d psychosomatic association

10. Psychoneuroimmunology means the study of:

a this is a trick question - that is a made-up word
b how disease can make a person psychotic or neurotic
c the interaction of physical and psychological factors in health
d the manner in which physical factors create psychological symptoms

11. Uplift is to ________ as hassle is to _________.

a small; large
b internal; external
c pleasant; unpleasant
d inconsequential; consequential

12. One shortcoming of the Social Readjustment Rating Scale is that it:

a has not been normed with college students
b lists only a small number of major life events
c fails to correlate with the development of psychosomatic problems
d makes no distinction between appraisal of positive & negative events

13. “Every time I move closer to my goals, something stops me.” This person is experiencing ____________ as a situational stressor

a anger
b burnout
c frustration
d avoidance

14. Having feelings of doing poorly, physically wearing out, or becoming emotionally exhausted because of stress at work is called:

a stress
b conflict
c burnout
d frustration

15. Which of the following is not among the goals to deal with posttraumatic stress disorder?

a provide emotional support
b bring out the details of the experience
c relive the experience through journaling
d build a sense of courage to go on with life

16. In the ________ style of dealing with conflict, the person gives in to make the conflict go away, while someone with a(n) _______ style, goes to any lengths to win.

a domination; active
b integration; domination
c compromise; integration
d accommodation; domination

17. An approach-avoidance conflict involves:

a two options, one positive & one negative
b one situation that does not cause stress
c two options, neither of which are pleasurable
d one situation that has both pleasurable and disagreeable aspects

18. Defense mechanisms like repression, sublimation, rationalization, & regression can be described as:

a based on primary appraisal
b based on classical conditioning principles
c conscious coping techniques that are problem-focused
d unconscious coping techniques that are emotion-focused

19. Hardiness is a combination of these three personality traits.

a control, coping, and competence
b control, commitment, and challenge
c consistency, control, and competency
d commitment, congruency, and consistency

20. Optimists tend to use _____ coping, while pessimists use ______ coping.

a reductive; deductive
b deductive; reductive
c emotion-focused; problem-focused
d problem-focused; emotion-focused

21. Psychosomatic symptoms, higher levels of stress, & the use of threat appraisals are symptoms associated with

a hardiness
b reaction formation
c a type B personality
d an external locus of control

22. Problem-focused coping is to ________ as emotion-focused coping is to _______.

a passive; active
b feelings; affect
c behavior; feelings
d primary; secondary

•  Print Friendly Version

General Psychology
Robert C. Gates
Neurosis is the inability to tolerate ambiguity.  -- Freud

New There was the Door to which I found no Key;
There was the Veil through which I could not see:
Some little talk awhile of Me and Thee
There was---and then no more of Thee and Me.
New from the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam