Self Test # 9 - Classical Conditioning 

Note: These questions are part of a larger data base of questions on Module 9 & are 
selected to represent the type of question you should expect on unit exam three. 
You can, in fact, expect to see many of these very same questions on that exam. 
Exam questions, however, may deal with topics not covered in the self tests or 
in lectures but are disucssed in your textbook. You are responsible for the 
content of your text book plus the content of lectures, interactive activities, 
& material on the web site.

Use these sample questions to test yourself & to practice for the test. 

1. “A relatively enduring change in behavior that results from 
previous experience with certain stimuli and responses” 
is the definition of: 


2. All of the following are approaches to understanding how learning 
occurs except: 

 physical learning 
 cognitive learning 
 operant conditioning 
 classical conditioning 

3. Operant conditioning differs from classical conditioning in placing 
the emphasis on: 

 waiting until the subject accidentally performs the right behavior 
 pairing a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned response 
 allowing subjects to watch others perform some behavior 
 consequences that follow some behavior 

4. Pavlov is to Bandura as _________ is to ________. 

 cognitive learning; operant conditioning 
 cognitive learning; classical conditioning 
 classical conditioning; cognitive learning 
 cognitive learning; classical conditioning 

5. Unconditioned is to conditioned as _______ is to ________. 

 learned; reflex 
 reflex; learned 
 food; salivation 
 response; stimulus 

6. Robert is trying to remember the procedure used to establish classical 
conditioning. He would be best to remember: 

 CS, CR 
 neutral stimulus, UCS, UCR 
 CR, UCS, neutral stimulus 

7. Since S -> R, then obviously UCS ->UCR, so naturally CS->: 

 neutral stimulus 

8. In classical conditioning, generalization is adaptive because: 

 dangerous UCS no longer trigger the UCR 
 we learn that some behaviors lead to reinforcement 
 the CR is capable of returning following a period of extinction 
 we are able to respond to a stimulus that resembles the original CS 

9. In classical conditioning, when an organism responds to some stimuli, but 
not to others, the organism is demonstrating: 

 cognitive learning 
 spontaneous recovery 

10. Discrimination is to narrow as generalization is to ________. 

11. When a conditioned stimulus (e.g., a tone) is repeatedly presented 
without the unconditioned stimulus (e.g., meat), _________ 
eventually will occur. 

 spontaneous recovery 

12. Spontaneous recovery is defined as the: 

 resultant product of cognitive learning 
 reappearance of a conditioned response 
 generalization of a response to other similar stimuli 
 discrimination of certain stimuli from other similar stimuli 

13. What concept refers to the usefulness of certain abilities that tend to 
increase an animal’s chance of survival? 

 adaptive value 
 evolved utility 
 survival predisposition 
 unconditioned preparedness 

14. Taste-aversion learning may occur: 
 when reinforcement is delayed 
 without a NS being present 
 when the NS does not predict the UCS 
 when there is a delay between the NS and the UCR 

15. For some animals, certain combinations of conditioned & unconditioned 
stimuli which are more easily associated are called: 

 classical conditioning 

16. Positive or negative feelings can be experienced when a stimulus is 
encountered that initially accompanied a painful or pleasant event. 
This feeling is called a: 

 learned affect 
 mood enhanced response 
 conditioned emotional response 

17. _____ is an anxiety disorder that involves an intense and irrational fear. 

 Conditioned fear 
 Desensitization disorder 
 Conditioned emotional response 

18. Pavlov’s explanation of classical conditioning is called: 

 cognitive perspective 
 stimulus substitution 
 generalization theory 
 prediction theory 

19. Of the following words, which one is most descriptive of the contiguity 
theory of classical conditioning? 


20. The fact that backward conditioning does not usually result in classical 
conditioning supports: 

 the contiguity theory 
 stimulus generalization 
 the cognitive perspective 
 emotional conditioned response 
                            Topics in Psychology
                               Robert C. Gates