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Ψ  Practice Test for Emotion

Note: These questions are part of a larger data base of questions & are selected to represent the type of question you should expect on a unit exam. The unit exam questions, however, may deal with topics not covered in the practice tests or in lectures but are discussed in your textbook. You are responsible for the content of your text book plus the content of lectures, interactive activities, & material on the web site.

Use these sample questions to test yourself & to practice for the test. Click on your choice to see if you are right.

1. An emotion is a feeling made up of:

a anger, fear, sadness, or happiness
b having a subjective feeling & objectively learned behavioral responses
c appraising a stimulus, having a subjective feeling, physiological responses,
      & overt behavior

d facial expressions which convey social signals , social needs & physiological

2. Theories of emotions tend to fit into two categories. What are the names of the categories?

a peripheral theories and central theories
b central theories and social learning theories
c peripheral theories and cognitive appraisal theories
d behavioral theories and cognitive appraisal theories

3. Peripheral is to _______ as cognitive appraisal is to ______.

a brain; emotion
b learning; innate
c side; interpretation
d physiological; interpretation

4. The sequence of components for emotion according to the James-Lange peripheral theory is:

a physiological changes, interpretation of changes, emotional feeling,
      overt behavior

b facial muscles change, interpretation of changes, overt behavior,
      emotional feeling

c emotional feeling, physiological changes, interpretation of changes,
      overt behavior

d physiological changes, overt behavior, interpret cues, emotional feeling

5. The peripheral facial feedback theory emphasizes the ______ component of emotion.

a active
b cognitive
c behavioral
d physiological

6. According to the research on peripheral theories, physiological changes may _____ the intensity of emotional experiences; but, they don't cause emotion.

a mask
b increase
c decrease
d stabilize

7. The sequence of components for emotion according to the cognitive- appraisal theory of emotion is:

a stimulus, interpret, bodily response, emotional feeling
b stimulus, interpret, emotional feeling, bodily response
c stimulus, emotional feeling, interpret, bodily response
d stimulus, emotional feeling, bodily response, interpret

8. According to the affective neuroscience approach, which of the following is not among the four unique qualities of emotions?

a Emotions may not respond to reasoning.
b Some emotions are hard wired in the brain.
c Emotions are expressed in stereotypic ways.
d Emotions are not influenced by one’s culture.
e Emotions have enormous influence on many cognitive processes.

9. Of the following, which lists the correct order of an infant’s development of facial expressions?

a fear, happiness, angry, disgust
b disgust, happiness, angry, fear
c happiness, fear, angry, disgust
d angry, fear, disgust, happiness

10. Which of these statements is not correct in regard to universal facial expression?

a infants around 5 to 7 months show fear
b anger is a biologically determined universal emotion
c infants develop facial expressions in an unpredictable sequence
d happiness is expressed the same way in Western & primitive cultures

11. The relationship between emotional arousal and performance on a task is explained by the:

a Schacter-Singer law
b James-Lange theory
c Yerkes-Dodson law
d Darwinian law of survival

12. According to the adaptation level theory, money cannot buy happiness because:

a we are greedy
b we adapt to continuous satisfaction
c we find it difficult to put a price tag on happiness
d most of us cannot afford to buy those things that create true happiness

13. The new concept of emotional intelligence includes all of the following except:

a perceiving emotions accurately
b managing emotions in oneself and others
c taking feelings into account when reasoning
d excluding emotions when making crucial decisions

14. _________ accompanies all emotion.

a cognitive arousal
b behavioral arousal
c physiological arousal
d none of these!

15. Which part of the brain is the emotional detector & emotional memorizer?

a thalamus
b amygdala
c visual cortex
d hippocampus

16. The research indicates that while the James-Lange theory seems incorrect, physiological changes may:

a cause emotions
b cause positive emotions
c increase the intensity of emotions
d decrease the intensity of emotions

17. Charles Darwin was the originator of the explanation of emotion currently known as:

a cognitive theory
b behavioral theory
c James-Lange theory
d facial feedback theory

18. Schachter & Singer’s theory emphasizes the _______ component of emotion.

a active
b cognitive
c behavioral
d physiological

19. The primary cause of emotions according to the cognitive appraisal theory is:

a how we interpret a situation
b our degree of physiological arousal
c the extent of change in facial muscles & skin
d how the brain interprets physiological changes

20. When noticing an unemotional stimulus, what is the pathway of neural activity?

a eyes, thalamus, amygdala
b eyes, visual cortex, thalamus
c eyes, amygdala, visual cortex
d eyes, thalamus, visual cortex

21. “Look over there. It’s a snake,” your friend yells as the two of you are hiking. What is the pathway of neural activity?

a eyes, thalamus, amygdala
b eyes, visual cortex, thalamus
c eyes, amygdala, visual cortex
d eyes, thalamus, visual cortex

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General Psychology
Robert C. Gates
Neurosis is the inability to tolerate ambiguity.  -- Freud

New Yesterday This Day's Madness did prepare;
To-morrow's Silence, Triumph, or Despair:
Drink! for you know not whence you came, nor why:
Drink! for you know not why you go, nor where.
New from the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam